The Embrace of the Dark Cloud

Journal Article by Gonzalo Valiente, Jorge Valiente Oriol, Amaia Sánchez Velasco and Miguel Rodriguez-Casellas. Satellite image 1: Bushfires on Australia's east coast in 2020. Source: © European Space Agency. The UN World Meteorological Organization (WMO) reported that smoke from raging bushfires in Australia drifts across the Pacific and reaches South America, January 2020.

Starting from a cloud of smoke that connected two distant cities at the beginning of 2020, this essay explores the historical similarities between these two Pacific ports - Sydney and Valparaíso. Analyzing the commonalities and divergences between Australian and Chilean neoliberalism, the collapse of this model is evidenced in the smoke from fires or barricades that could give rise to new forms of post-liberal coexistence.

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